

Murmansk Shipping Company-operated Novaya Zemlya  has been arrested by the Danish authorities yesterday, near Cape Skagen, said Sergei Fishov, the ITF coordinator, referring to the  information from  the  ITF inspector in Denmark Morten Bach.

There are 19 Russians on the shipboard. The further fate  of  these 19 and many other seafarers of the company is unclear. The company's vessels have been seized abroad several times and  Novaya Zemlya  is not exception. Since  mid-July MV Zapolyarye has stayed  near Ceuta, Spain. According  to the ITF inspector in Spain Luz Bas, the crew continually feels  the need  of  water, provisions and fuel. Murmansk Shipping  Company was able to repatriate only six seafarers  in one-and-half month, whereas  others are stay in unknown.  Severnaya Zemlya has  the  same  problems. She also has  been seized  in early May, in Spain.  Also Pomorye, stuck in  US New Orleans, undergoes  the crisis situation.

According  to the ITF coordinator  in USA Dwyane Boudreaux, Pomorye has stayed at the anchorage since mid-May. Murmansk Shipping Company's director  of HR management  Svetlana Sheveleva said that the crew was planned to make a short voyage from Europe to the USA, including  two  unloading operations, but during the voyage the ship had lost two anchors. The situation was changed dramatically. Since the  unloading  in two American ports, the vessel wasn't able  to return into Europe after two months from the date of her  departure. Today seafarers' contracts are expired, they haven't the US visas and to get the visas isn't easy challenge.  The repatriation is delayed  for  indefinite period.

“There  are  only the known labour disputes, in which involved the International Transport Workers' Federation inspectors around the world,” said the ITF coordinator  in Russia Sergei Fishov. “The  fate of, at least, 80 Russian seafarers caught into the bad shape due to the shipowner is at stake. Unfortunately, the ITF representatives point out that  the Murmansk Shipping Company leaders appear haven't  a desire  to come into contact and even frequently ignore the requests to provide  information on company's plans to cope  with the crisis situation.  It is troubling.”

